Ross Brooks - #30
Boston Bruins: 1972-73
Stall and Dean mesh jersey
In addition to their Wilson dureen sweaters, the Bruins would experiment with a set of Stall and Dean mesh jerseys late in the 1972-73 season and into the playoffs.
The white set appears to have been worn in three games, all at the Boston Garden - Their final regular season home game vs. the Montreal Canadiens and their first two home
playoff games vs. the New York Rangers. I have not been able to find any proof that the black jerseys were ever worn during a game, although I have been told by a player that they were used.
These jerseys are easy to spot if you focus on the unique neck\collar design and pattern. There is no Stall and Dean tagging present anywhere on the jersey.
Interestingly, these experimental sweaters were brought to training camp in the fall of 1973 for media photos and show up repeatidly on the 1974-75 hockey cards sets (see examples below).
The bottom hem stripe on this jersey has been folded up to shorten the length of the jersey. If you notice the Greg Sheppard hockey card photo below, the hem is altered in the exact same manner.
I am attributing this jersey to Ross Brooks as he alone wore #30 during this time period. It is possible another goalie may have also worn this during the 1973 training camp.

Here is a photo of Ross Brooks wearing the home\white version of the Stall and Dean mesh jersey during an intrasquad practice:

Examples of the black Stall and Dean mesh jerseys appearing during the 1973 Bruins training camp - at least for media photos. I believe these may have also been worn in 1973 pre-season games.

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